November Meeting, 2012

2012 十一月份 Python 台北使用者群組聚會

這次聚會我們要特別來去創立方(IEH@NCCU,政治大學創意創新創業交易所,捷運東門站附近)聽 Pinkoi 的 CTO Mike 分享用 Python 創業的經驗談,下半場請到台灣資深 Pythonista 的 marr 來分享 Plone 的應用,快把活動日期時間填上你的行事曆吧!

We're going to have fun of Pinkoi x Python and Plone x CMS at International Entrepreneurship Hub of NCCU. Join us!


7:00pm-7:20pm Talk: Pinkoi in Python by Mike
7:20pm-7:30pm Questions and Answers by Mike
7:30pm-7:50pm Talk: Build Python CMS The Plone Way by marr
7:50pm-8:00pm Questions and Answers by marr
8:00pm-8:15pm Lighting Talk: Enhanced YAML by mosky
8:00pm~ Updates, Activities, Free Discussion

Talk: Pinkoi in Python

Pinkoi 是全台灣最大的設計品社群購物平台,也是亞洲最大的設計師社群,目前累計有一千多個品牌、七千多位駐站設計師,超過三萬件的獨特設計商品。在Pinkoi,你可以買設計、品設計、賣設計,我們希望讓設計回歸生活、提供美好的購物體驗,讓每一件設計品都能帶給每個人禮物般的貼心與感動。Pinkoi 的 back-end 採用 Python 作開發,期待借這次機會和大家分享 Pinkoi 網站在開發過程中發生的大小故事。

Pinkoi is an online community and marketplace to buy, sell and share all things designed with your lifestyle in mind. Our vision is to build the biggest online community and marketplace for designers all over the world. We believe it's the quality of your life and experiences that really matters. We will show how we use Python to build Pinkoi platform and the largest designers community in Asia.

About the Speaker: Mike Lee

Mike 現為 Pinkoi 創辦人/技術長,負責 Pinkoi 網站系統/手機應用程式開發,用最高的標準帶給所有使用者最美好的使用體驗。

Mike, Co-Founder & CTO of Pinkoi, is responsible for building a scalable platform and mobile App in Pinkoi and focus on bringing the best user experience and delight our community.

Talk: Build Python CMS The Plone Way

Plone 是 Python 世界裡的內容管理方案 (Content Management System, CMS),擁有廣大的工具支援和成熟的開發歷史。
簡單地說,透過 Plone 我們可以快速架站,有效管理相當大型的網站內容。
我們將認識內容管理的功能議題,包括文件編輯、權限管理、工作流程、資料索引與搜尋等,展示 Plone 如何執行這些功能。
另外,我們也會介紹 Plone 發展中的新功能,像是 Dexterity 內容框架、Diazo 佈景主題設計工具等,說明這些新技術能帶來怎樣的好處。

Plone is a long existing CMS (Content Management System) software in the Python world, and one of the most powerful.
In short, a CMS runs on the database storing contents that are added/edited by User/Group, managed with Workflow, and searchable via Index/Catalog.
We will showcase Plone's existing features, demonstrating how it performs as a CMS product, also preview the coming technologies Plone will embrace.

About the Speaker: marr

marr 在中研院地理資訊科學研究專題中心擔任研究助理,目前是 Python 程式猿,走在前往程式員的修練之路。
平常參與 Plone 系統整合工作,也關注 open source、網路技術、程式人員生產力的議題。
電腦以外的興趣是搖滾樂,喜歡 Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Smiths 等樂團。

marr is a research assistant at Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica.
His interests include topics on open source, web technology, and programmer productivity.
When not working with computers, he loves rock music. Favorite bands are Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Smiths.

Lighting Talk: Enhaced YAML by mosky

mosky 會分享她為 pyyaml 所做的功能改善。

mosky will share her improvement of pyyaml.


PyCon TW 2012COSCUP 2012 後,我們發現台北的 Python 使用者與議題已經多到不聚不可、不分享不行了,於是我們開始來試試,每個月固定來辦個聚會,歡迎來分享、研究、把玩、認識 Python 五花八門的應用與技術,以及最重要的:Py 人。

After PyCon TW 2012 and COSCUP 2012, we found the amount of Pythonistas and Python issues in Taipei is large enough for monthly meetup. So now we have it for people to meet other people interested in Python and to share their experience, knowledge and all the fun of Python.

時間&地點:11 月 29 日 星期四晚上 7 點 於 政大公企中心東樓一樓 E105 室 台灣台北市大安區金華街187號

Datetime & Address: Thursday, November 29, 2012 7pm at CPBAE East Building 1st floor Room E105, No.187, Jinhua St., Da'an Dist., Taipei City


政大公企中心東樓一樓 E105 室(捷運東門站附近) / 台灣台北市大安區金華街187號

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